Their small brains are as such devoted singularly to the pursuit of fighting, tearing and simply enacting wanton bloodshed. Their unlikely genesis has left them utterly dependent upon their creators for any kind of mental faculty and they are literally incapable of functioning without the direction of another's will. While Clan Moulder certainly succeeded in creating deadly war beasts, Rat Ogres are arguably flawed creatures, bereft of reason and nearly devoid of sanity. Many of them may indeed have Ogre blood in their long and varied ancestry, though none but the eldest Master Mutators could say. Though many would be mistaken otherwise, Rat Ogres are not a separate breed of the Skaven race, rather Rat Ogres are creatures born from the fusion of crossbreeding different types of horrific creatures with Skaven blood, and surgically augmenting what is left. Rat Ogres are massive hulking monstrosities that represent the very pinnacle of Clan Moulder ingenuity, a lethal killing-machine beast that combines the inhumane reflexes of a Skaven with the brawn and size of an Ogre. Steffan Paulus Adelhof, Scholar of Wolfenburg If left to their own devices, however, they are just as likely to feed on nearby offal as to kill the Skaven or their enemies."

When driven by Moulder’s Packmasters, Rat Ogres are effective weapons of war. Bred in the pits of the Master Moulders, no two Rat Ogres are the same, yet they share enough similarities to be easily identified. I have seen but one in my travels and it is a memory that I hide even from myself. " Not truly Skaven, the Rat Ogres, but they are aberrations nonetheless.